Great Unit.
If you would like to view the unit in person, please contact the property manager to book an appointment during the time period of the auction. NO access will be granted into the unit, the unit will only be viewed from the outside, and no moving or any touching of contents will be permitted. STRICTLY ENFORCED!
VERY IMPORTANT - READ Before you bid
Payment and Terms of Claiming the Locker
Payment must be received in full within 24 hours after the auction closes. If the auction is not claimed within 24 hours, the winner will forfeit and the next highest bidder will be selected. Call 289.242.9876 to arrange payment and pickup. Payment in full will only be made in person at the facility. WE ONLY ACCEPT CASH PAYMENTS. A deposit of $50.00 CASH ONLY will also have to be made to ensure that the locker is entirely cleared out within 48 hours. The deposit will only be returned when the locker is empty. If you do not bring a cash deposit, the self storage location can deny you access to the locker. Payment must be made at our office located at 74 Vaughan Road, Welland, Ontario. ALL SALES ARE FINAL, NO REFUNDS.
Pickup and Disposal
Contents must be picked up ENTIRELY. Vacate storage unit completely, within 48 hours of auction close. If ANY contents are left behind, the deposit will not be returned.
The facility DOES NOT OFFER DISPOSAL of any kind. We will not allow our garbage containers to be used. It is the responsibility of the winner to remove all the contents from our property and arrange disposal at their own expense.
Terms & Conditions
Make sure to read the Notice to Buyers at the bottom of this listing.
Know which unit you are bidding on
If you win an auction, make certain you know which unit you won. This number will be in the invoice sent to you by iBid4storage.
Know your Username
When you go to pay and pickup your purchased contents, you must be able to tell the storage facility manager what your Username is to verify your account and the unit you purchased. Your Username is what you choose upon Registration and what you Sign In with.
PHOTO ID must be presented at the facility. Only the registered person who won the auction is allowed to pick up the locker. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Close of auction
When the auction closes, you will be immediately notified by email if you won the auction in subject.
Payment Location:
Milo Mini Storage
74 Vaughan Road
Welland, Ontario
L3B 5Y1
Pickup Location Information
Milo Mini Storage
74 Vaughan Road
Welland, Ontario
L3B 5Y1
Notice to Buyers: This is to inform the buyers prior to the sale that:
The storage location reserves the right to end an auction at any time during the bidding period. By law, if a tenant pays the outstanding balance up to the close of auction, the auction must be removed.
By placing a bid, the buyer is entering into a legally-binding contract. If the winning buyer does not honor the bid and does not pay for the purchased contents, fees will apply, up to value of the bid placed.
This Storage location reserves the right to cancel any sale if the bids are, in the discretion of the Storage location, unreasonable.
Buyer acknowledges that he or she is bidding on all items within the unit and all items must be removed and the unit must be cleaned. In the event that Buyer does not remove all items or does not leave the unit clean, the Storage Location may charge the Buyer its costs in removing such items and/or cleaning the unit.
The Buyer must remove all goods within a 48 hour period or the goods will become the property of the Storage Location unless, the Buyer makes appropriate arrangements or signs an agreement for said unit, and pays the current month's rent in full. Failure to remove all goods or sign an agreement will result in Buyer incurring a disposal fee. Buyer is responsible for securing the unit holding such property for the 48 hour period.
It is the Buyer's responsibility to immediately return all personal property, papers, photos, legal documents, tax returns, bank statements, etc. to the Storage location for return to tenant in the future.
The Buyer acknowledges that in certain circumstances that the Storage location may contact the Buyer and request that certain items be purchased back in order to prevent any court action with said tenant, the Buyer also agrees to sell to the Storage location such items for (a) the cost at which Buyer purchased such items plus (b) any reasonable actual costs incurred by Buyer in connection with such items.
This agreement pertains to this and all future sales this Buyer attends with any Self Storage facility listed at The Storage facility reserves the right to refuse bids to any Buyer at future auctions due to failure to follow these rules or any other unacceptable behavior during the auction process.
Great Unit.
If you would like to view the unit in person, please contact the property manager to book an appointment during the time period of the auction. NO access will be granted into the unit, the unit will only be viewed from the outside, and no moving or any touching of contents will be permitted. STRICTLY ENFORCED!
VERY IMPORTANT - READ Before you bid
Payment and Terms of Claiming the Locker
Payment must be received in full within 24 hours after the auction closes. If the auction is not claimed within 24 hours, the winner will forfeit and the next highest bidder will be selected. Call 289.242.9876 to arrange payment and pickup. Payment in full will only be made in person at the facility. WE ONLY ACCEPT CASH PAYMENTS. A deposit of $50.00 CASH ONLY will also have to be made to ensure that the locker is entirely cleared out within 48 hours. The deposit will only be returned when the locker is empty. If you do not bring a cash deposit, the self storage location can deny you access to the locker. Payment must be made at our office located at 74 Vaughan Road, Welland, Ontario. ALL SALES ARE FINAL, NO REFUNDS.
Pickup and Disposal
Contents must be picked up ENTIRELY. Vacate storage unit completely, within 48 hours of auction close. If ANY contents are left behind, the deposit will not be returned.
The facility DOES NOT OFFER DISPOSAL of any kind. We will not allow our garbage containers to be used. It is the responsibility of the winner to remove all the contents from our property and arrange disposal at their own expense.
Terms & Conditions
Make sure to read the Notice to Buyers at the bottom of this listing.
Know which unit you are bidding on
If you win an auction, make certain you know which unit you won. This number will be in the invoice sent to you by iBid4storage.
Know your Username
When you go to pay and pickup your purchased contents, you must be able to tell the storage facility manager what your Username is to verify your account and the unit you purchased. Your Username is what you choose upon Registration and what you Sign In with.
PHOTO ID must be presented at the facility. Only the registered person who won the auction is allowed to pick up the locker. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Close of auction
When the auction closes, you will be immediately notified by email if you won the auction in subject.
Payment Location:
Milo Mini Storage
74 Vaughan Road
Welland, Ontario
L3B 5Y1
Pickup Location Information
Milo Mini Storage
74 Vaughan Road
Welland, Ontario
L3B 5Y1
Notice to Buyers: This is to inform the buyers prior to the sale that:
The storage location reserves the right to end an auction at any time during the bidding period. By law, if a tenant pays the outstanding balance up to the close of auction, the auction must be removed.
By placing a bid, the buyer is entering into a legally-binding contract. If the winning buyer does not honor the bid and does not pay for the purchased contents, fees will apply, up to value of the bid placed.
This Storage location reserves the right to cancel any sale if the bids are, in the discretion of the Storage location, unreasonable.
Buyer acknowledges that he or she is bidding on all items within the unit and all items must be removed and the unit must be cleaned. In the event that Buyer does not remove all items or does not leave the unit clean, the Storage Location may charge the Buyer its costs in removing such items and/or cleaning the unit.
The Buyer must remove all goods within a 48 hour period or the goods will become the property of the Storage Location unless, the Buyer makes appropriate arrangements or signs an agreement for said unit, and pays the current month's rent in full. Failure to remove all goods or sign an agreement will result in Buyer incurring a disposal fee. Buyer is responsible for securing the unit holding such property for the 48 hour period.
It is the Buyer's responsibility to immediately return all personal property, papers, photos, legal documents, tax returns, bank statements, etc. to the Storage location for return to tenant in the future.
The Buyer acknowledges that in certain circumstances that the Storage location may contact the Buyer and request that certain items be purchased back in order to prevent any court action with said tenant, the Buyer also agrees to sell to the Storage location such items for (a) the cost at which Buyer purchased such items plus (b) any reasonable actual costs incurred by Buyer in connection with such items.
This agreement pertains to this and all future sales this Buyer attends with any Self Storage facility listed at The Storage facility reserves the right to refuse bids to any Buyer at future auctions due to failure to follow these rules or any other unacceptable behavior during the auction process.
MUY importante - leer antes de pujar
Nuestras subastas en línea tienen un cierre suave. Todas las ofertas en el último minuto extienden el tiempo de cierre por 2 minutos. De esta manera el comprador dispuesto a pujar más va a ganar la subasta. Asegúrese de actualizar su navegador mientras puja.
Pago y condiciones de reclamar el armario
Pago debe ser recibido en su totalidad dentro de las 24 horas en persona después de cierre de la subasta. Si la subasta no es reclamada dentro de 24 horas, perderá el ganador y se seleccionará al siguiente mejor postor. Llame al teléfono % para arreglar el pago y recogida. Pago sólo se hará en persona en las instalaciones. PODEMOS aceptar pago % pagos. Un depósito de $50.00 sólo en efectivo también debe hacerse para asegurar que el armario es aclarado completamente dentro de 48 horas. El depósito sólo será devuelto cuando el armario está vacío. Si no traes un depósito en efectivo, la localización del almacenaje del uno mismo puede negar acceso a la taquilla. Todas las ventas son el FINAL, no se aceptan devoluciones, y más impuestos.
Todos los vehículos son vendidos como es y donde como. No se aceptan devoluciones!!!! El vendedor puede o no tener título legal del vehículo. Si estás pujando por un vehículo luego le, el comprador acepta estas condiciones. Es recomendable siempre en contacto con su vehículo de motor local licencias de oficina sobre el procedimiento a título de transferencia y propiedad antes de pujar.
Recolección y disposición
Contenido se recogen completamente. Desocupar la unidad de almacenamiento completamente, dentro de las 48 horas del cierre de la subasta. Si cualquier contenido se quedan atrás, no se devolverá el depósito.
La instalación no ofrece eliminación de cualquier tipo. No vamos a permitir que nuestros contenedores de basura ser utilizado. Es responsabilidad del ganador Retire todo el contenido de nuestra propiedad y disposición por su propia cuenta.
Términos y condiciones
Asegúrese de leer el aviso a los compradores en la parte inferior de este listado.
Saber que unidad que usted está haciendo una oferta en
Si usted gana una subasta, asegúrese de que usted sabe que unidad ganó. Este número estará en la factura enviada a usted por iBid4storage.
Saber su nombre de usuario
Cuando vayas a pagar y recoger su contenido adquirido, debe ser capaz de decir al administrador de instalación de almacenamiento cuál es tu nombre de usuario para verificar su cuenta y la unidad que compraste. Su nombre de usuario es lo que usted elige al registro y lo que usted firma con.
Identificación con foto debe presentarse en las instalaciones. Sólo la persona registrada que ganó la subasta se permite recoger el armario. NO HAY EXCEPCIONES.
Cierre de la subasta
Cuando se cierra la subasta, usted inmediatamente notificará por correo electrónico si ha ganado la subasta en cuestión.
Lugar de recogida de información
Storage Guyz - WELLAND SOUTH
74 Vaughan Road, Welland, ON, L3B 5Y1
905 788 2940
Horas de operación
By appointment only.
Aviso a los compradores: se trata de informar a los compradores antes de la venta que:
la ubicación de almacenamiento reserva el derecho de poner fin a una subasta en cualquier momento durante el período de licitación. Por la ley, si un inquilino paga el saldo hasta el cierre de la subasta, la subasta debe eliminarse.
Por poner una oferta, el comprador está entrando en un contrato legalmente vinculante. Si el comprador ganador no honra a la oferta y no pagar por los contenidos adquiridos, será de pago, hasta el valor de la oferta a.
Esta ubicación de almacenamiento reserva el derecho de cancelar alguna venta si las pujas son, a criterio de la localización del almacenaje, irracional, o si el inquilino paga y redime unidad antes del cierre de la subasta.
Comprador reconoce que él o ella está haciendo una oferta en todos los elementos dentro de la unidad y todos los elementos deben ser retirados y la unidad debe limpiarse. En caso de que el comprador no retire todos los artículos o no deje la unidad limpia, la ubicación de almacenamiento puede cobrar al comprador sus costos en dichos artículos o limpiar la unidad.
El comprador debe retirar todos los bienes dentro de un plazo de 48 horas o las mercancías pasarán a ser propiedad de la ubicación de almacenamiento a menos que el comprador hace arreglos o firma un acuerdo de unidad y paga el alquiler del mes actual en su totalidad. Para quitar todos los bienes o firmar un acuerdo contrario, incurrir en un cargo de disposición del comprador. El comprador es responsable de asegurar la unidad manteniendo dichos bienes durante el plazo de 48 horas.
Es responsabilidad del comprador devuelva inmediatamente todos bienes personales, documentos, fotos, documentos legales, declaraciones de impuestos, extractos bancarios, etc. a la ubicación de almacenamiento de información de retorno al arrendatario en el futuro. Si el comprador encuentra cualquier material ilegal, armas de fuego o cualquier elemento que se considera ilegal, es la responsabilidad de los compradores para declarar y notificar a la autoridad de policía local de artículos comprados.
El comprador reconoce que en determinadas circunstancias que la ubicación de almacenamiento puede póngase en contacto con el comprador y podrá comprar algunos artículos atrás con el fin de prevenir cualquier acción judicial con dicho arrendatario, el comprador también está de acuerdo a la ubicación de almacenamiento de estos artículos (a) el costo en que comprador comprar tales artículos más (b) gastos razonables incurridos por el comprador en relación con tales elementos.
Este acuerdo se refiere a esto y todos ventas futuras que este comprador asiste con cualquier instalación de Self Storage en La instalación de almacenamiento reserva el derecho a rechazar las ofertas a cualquier comprador en las subastas futuras debido a que no siga estas reglas o cualquier otro comportamiento inaceptable durante el proceso de subasta.
"Working in partnership with iBid4Storage Seaboard Self Storage is able to donate 6 441 00 to Surrey Memorial Hospital last year from the proceeds of their storage auct"
"By partnering with iBid4Storage com Seaboard Self Storage has been able to generate and donate approximately 16 000 to Surrey Memorial Hospital"